Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Spin Cycle

So I was doing laundry and watching as the washer filled and started washing and I began to notice an eerie similarity to my life. You know, going through the same motions over and over and getting no where, while occasionally, someone dumps a load on me. The agitation, the roiling, the feeling of being tossed about and out of control. It was all very eye-opening in a disheartening kind of way. 

Now, before somone starts passing out Prozac®, Paxil® or Zoloft® or whatever name the latest 'happy-high with a child-proof cap' goes by, let me just say that I am neither suicidal nor overwhelmed with despair. I have my moments, for sure, but this was just an observation that cried out for blog time and, well, my blog was feeling a bit neglected. Besides, if I wrote a blog entry and wasn't bitching or moaning, either no one would read it (which is only a slight drop in readership as it is) or those who did would believe that I had been abducted and replaced.

For anyone who is keeping score (so to speak), I am still not watching American Idol, though less because of the 'Mudd Incident' and more because it has become the National Enquirer of its genre, not to mention all that horrific screeching that they insist on showing for weeks before they get serious about it. I will, however, be glued to the set for the upcoming season of 'Dancing with the Stars', which I have previously watched only sporadically, mostly while channel-hopping. This year, though, I will watch as long as Jewel remains. I have no idea if she can dance but I will gladly watch her fall down for an hour. Unfortunately, she is bringing that dang cowboy. Somebody rope that cowpoke and drag him off, please. 

This is a sort of wayward rambling (as opposed to my normal, focused ramblings) but it had been a while since I had written and I didn't want to disappoint my 4 fans. I'm sure I will have more to say soon. Keep dropping by and leave a note so I know you're out there. 

Oh yeah, and to the fans from home...
 ò‡z€~  ¦±Ç·╖◘║ -l‼♣«╧╝     
  ( ô )

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