Where can I get THAT, you ask...
Over 700 online merchants are participating in the second annual Free Shipping Day from www.freeshippingday.com.
In 2007, Luke Knowles of FreeShipping.org noticed that after about Dec. 10th, Internet shopping all but came to a halt. Many people are afraid that their orders won't make it on time or they'll have to pay exorbitant shipping to get it. An idea was born and in the Summer of 2008, preparations began for the first ever Free Shipping Day. When freeshippingday.com launched, it was expected to have 25 participating merchants. By the time Free Shipping Day came on Dec. 18th 2008, there were over 250. The site drew a quarter of a million hits over a 10 day period including over 100,000 hits on the actual day.
It was such a huge success that Knowles started immediately planning and preparing for this year's event. The goal this year was a lofty 500 merchants. That mark was left in the dust about a week ago and as I write this now I just changed the second line above from 'Nearly 700' to 'Over 700'. If you visit the site you'll also notice that in the top right corner there is a "retweet" button that allows Twitter members to 'tweet' about the event. At last glance, it was showing nearly 500 'retweets'.
The countdown is on for what is sure to be a huge success. If you are like me, a super procrastinator who hasn't done the first bit of Christmas shopping yet, this is definitely the site to start with.
This is not just a small site with a bunch of little mom & pop operations hoping to get noticed. You'll find names like Nike, Kmart, Sears, Fanny May, Godiva, New Balance, Anne Klein, American Eagle Outfitters, Aeropostle, JC Penney, and hundreds more.
Go check it out now and tell 'em I sent ya.
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