It's been a while since I've written. It seems I only write when I'm down, frustrated, or mad. Not that I haven't been all of those things a few times since I wrote last but, sometimes I just drink instead.
This is one of those times that I dread each year... It is the month of Woulda...
The 6th woulda been my grandfather's birthday - this year he woulda been 89. The 8th woulda been my 23rd anniversary. The 24th marks 6 years since I went back to school after 18 years. I guess if I woulda done better in high school, it wouldn't have taken so long. I guess if I woulda gone to a better college, I woulda had better job by now. Speaking of the job, this month also marks my anniversary on the job. The pay is not bad for a puppet but I just never was the puppet type. I keep hanging on because the economy is in the toilet and jobs are scarce as hens' teeth. It can suck the life right out of you, going to a job that requires no actual thought, and mine prohibits it actually.
I don't want to get into a long diatribe about my job because it already makes me want to run headlong into traffic. So, suffice it t say that despite my belief that my degree isn't worth the paper it's printed on, I am convinced that it is still a waste. I spent 2½ years working full-time and taking a full-load of courses at Churnemout1 Community College and walked away with an AAS that nobody will hire for. The job I have isn't actually the job I do, nor is it the job I went to CCC ^ for.
For the record, I am an overpaid typist2 with a degree in Computer Programming who wanted to be in Web Development but works in the Internet Marketing Dept. Don't get me wrong, I love most aspects of Internet marketing, but most of what I do is upkeep and maintenance of a decrepit old e-commerce site that still functions better and is more user-friendly than the brand-spanking new one that is in development (for a year now). I could probably teach a fifth grader to do much of my job if either of us were so inclined. But I'm not bitter, no.
I want to wrap this up so it actually gets posted in the month of Woulda...
As you can tell, I don't actually have much to say (at least of great import)... maybe why I haven't written in a few months and why this post took three weeks to build. Still, my aimless meandering on here is at least as entertaining as most of the crap on television ... particularly late at night when I am most apt to be writing.
- Pronounced churn-em-out.
- According to my boss.
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