Sunday, November 23, 2014

Seven Things I've Learned in Seven Months

Before my daughter was born, I wrote (OK, pilfered, paraphrased, and possibly plagiarized) a blog entry titled 99 things I hope to teach my daughter. Now, here we are, more than seven months in and I thought I'd share seven things I've learned. The things that she's learned had nothing to do with me. The things I've learned are all because of her.
  1. There is nothing better than the great big grin on her face when I walk into a room.
  2. There is no sound sweeter than her laugh.
  3. I can change diapers, wipe snotty noses and clean up spit up without a hazmat suit or throwing up.
  4. Not all babies look like aliens (it seems most don't in fact).
  5. Babies go through a LOT of diapers and baby wipes. A. Freaking. Lot.
  6. Eat, sleep, pee, eat, sleep, poop, eat, sleep, pee, and repeat.
  7. I have a lot to learn. (But I've learned a lot.)
One bonus item that isn't on the numbered list only because it isn't technically from the baby... Mommy's job never ends. Thank goodness for mommy.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thanksgiving may be hard to swallow this year

With the approach of the holidays, I find myself in the familiar and unenviable position of being torn between all the blessings I should be thankful for and remembering that this is my first ever Thanksgiving without my mom. This is complicated by the fact that this week also marks the seven month anniversary of her death. Hard to imagine.
My mom loved the holidays. The food, the fellowship, the family, the food. So many things remind me of her. So many little things. This will be an event.
We are going to go to my sister's as I have most years when I could. Eating in the same place we had Thanksgiving last year with my mom. I don't know how to prepare for this. I don't like being ill prepared. Much less unprepared. I am writing this mostly as a cathartic exercise in hopes it will help. I am not fooled. I am not naive. Maybe a little desperate. I am trying not to imagine Christmas. That is a whole other ball game. And it falls on the eight month anniversary of my mom's funeral. Dandy.