I am not naive. I know how the real world works; I just never lowered myself to that standard. I guess I have come, once again, to that crossroad, the time to make a decision about myself, my work and my ethics.
This is not hard for me. I am forty years old and never once have I wavered on certain things. I do not go to work to be popular, and ambition is a younger man's game. I try to stay within the guidelines of the company I work for - which can be hard when they are ever-changing. I do not brown-nose or suck up. I speak my mind no matter who it offends. I do not say anything privately that I would not say publicly and most importantly. I say what I mean and I mean what I say.
One of the lowest forms of life has two faces. It is the most vile and disgusting creature that slithers across the planet. It is not very smart but it is cunning. It has long been my belief that these filthy critters were ephemeral, flitting in and out of the periphery of life and finally dying slow and lonely deaths. I was wrong.
I have found an environment where this duplicitous beast not only lives, but thrives. It feeds on the souls of hard-working and honest people. It literally sucks the life out of them. I have survived, only barely, for almost five years by moving around a lot and trying to keep my head down. No more. I am done. The carnage is disturbing. The stench is overwhelming.
I have watched as many have fallen prey to it and even seen a few escape. I have seen the pack circling a victim, waiting for the mistake that will bring it down. I have felt the cold eyes of the pack on me once or twice. It is an eerie feeling. I learned when and where I could go and I knew the most vicious three by site, friendly looking creatures with a dark side and fangs like razors.
As I mentioned, I am forty and very little surprises me, but today, I learned of the worst of these creatures, the sneakiest. Today, the Alpha Bitch (female of the species) revealed herself. She is the most dangerous and the most cunning. She seems the friendliest and most unassuming, like a dumb as bricks hound dog. Not so. In this jungle, there is no king. The lion doesn't stand a chance. This jungle is ruled by one queen, two princesses and several ladies-in-waiting.
I know when I am beaten. I know when to say when. I may not go quietly but I know when to go. If you listen closely you can hear the fat lady singing.
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