Sunday, March 22, 2009

A Star Is Born

Let me say, without any bias at all, that my niece is a budding actress and a damn fine one at that.

All of my sister's children have participated at one time or another in plays and skits and such. Spenser, at 14, has decided he prefers behind the scenes work now, usually with lighting and or sound. Reed, 10, won an outstanding student award this summer, after attending a camp sponsored by the Springer Opera House, an honor for sure. Sydney, 7, and Macy, who just turned 6 last week have each had small roles in several productions at Family Theatre. My sister and her husband Jason, have acted, directed, written and everything else you can name from snacks to photos.

Last night, (Saturday) I saw Macy in her first lead role; it was the title character in Heidi. Now, I'm no actor, nor am I a critic. I consider anyone who can get onstage in front of a bunch of people without wetting themselves darn talented and darn lucky. However, Saturday night, in a show of about 14 characters played by 11 people, (Macy plus eight adults and two teens), Macy not only held her own, she owned the role, the show and the night. She knew her lines ( a lot of lines for a six year old). She knew her cues. Her timing was good, and her performance was spectacular. Her facial expressions, her body language, every nuance of the role was right on.

On top of all that, there were a lot of kids in the audience. There was a lot of noise and distractions. I was distracted a few times, yet I never saw Macy lose focus at all. I, myself, not only lack the skills and patience for all that would be required to be the lead in an hour and a half long play, I would never have the courage or confidence, not now at 40 and certainly not at 6.

I may be the proud uncle and this may sound biased but that kid was amazing.

Could I have your autograph, please?

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